Y9-12 UK and US College Applications

One-stop: UK and US University Application

1v1 Mentoring

Each student has a dedicated mentor. Students and parents communicate with the mentor regularly. If other support is needed, the mentor will organize and supervise the entire process. This one-stop dedicated services brings you peace of mind and great effectiveness, avoiding any potential communication loss.

Support Behind the Scenes
Application Strategies & Execution

○ Each student’s application strategy is reviewed by the ProNexus Team, and further reviewed by our advisers based in US or UK.
â—‹ Such review process repeats in alignment with the progress of the application.
â—‹ All essays are blind-proofread by two external experts in addition to internal quality control.

Academic Advising

â—‹ Ninety Plus provides comprehensive academic support
○ From subject tutoring, SAT/ACT, to the world’s top liberal arts and STEM competitions
â—‹ Excellence in academics is the foundation of a successful application.

Extracurricular activity planning

○ 100% individualized approach to showcase the student’s personality and interests
â—‹ Tell your unique Australian story
â—‹ Rich global and local resources

1. Discovering Your Personality

Psychological and personality tests, professional interpretation by experts
Complete and match a career report to help choose the student’s right university and major

2. Personal Improvement

Put an end to stereotypes and tell Australian stories from the perspective of individuals.
ubject tutoring, SAT/ACT or any other standard tests
Mentoring for the world’s top liberal arts and STEAM competitions
Guidance on writing skills and in-depth exploration of personal characteristics
Gain more knowledge into first-hand experiences within society

3. Application Process

Persona presentation, college selection and ED/RD round strategies
Detailed planning, manage every deadline in an orderly manner
Interview content preparation, communication and presentation skill training
Whether it’s a waiting list or planning for a gap year, we will guide you till you get on the plane!
*Academic guidance, SAT/ACT, internship and other services are subject to additional fee